1.Opening hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30 am to 5:30 pm

2.Contact Hsien-Ting:

  • By phone: (03)856-5301 ext. 2678
  • By E-mail: hsia94@gms.tcu.edu.tw and provide the information listed below:
    • The date & time that you plan to use this space.
    • The purpose of your activity.
    • Applicant’s name and phone number.
    • Do you have any need to borrow our projector?
    • Will you provide food or drink?

☆Please cherish University properties and save energy.

☆ original places, turn off electricity, and close windows and doors. After completing these actions, notify a University staff to double-check, and then return the key.

◎ If you need any help, please notify your study buddy or our staff.