About us

To implement the Teaching Excellence Project funded by the Ministry of Education, the University set up an Office for the Teaching Excellence Project in 2008. The Division of Project Management was founded under this Office, and it was responsible for implementing projects, monitoring the progress of each project, carrying out a performance evaluation for each project, reviewing project expenditures, going over project applications, and compiling project operating reports.

Since 2018, the University has been receiving funding from the Higher Education Sprout Project. The Higher Education Sprout Project consists of two parts. One aims to enhance the quality of higher education in a comprehensive way, and promote diversity in higher education, so as to secure students’ rights to education. The other one aspires to augment the international competitiveness of higher education through facilitating universities to become world-class institutions and developing cutting-edge research centers.

The University has utilized the fund to help equip students with professional skills, knowledge, and humanism; moreover, it aims to prepare students to become professionals in a variety of fields. The university also expects students to practice what they have learned to enhance the well-being of humanity.

Our major functions are listed below:

  • Review applications and compile operating reports related to the Higher Education Sprout Project.
  • Monitor the progress of each project and provide funds.
  • Implement other measures with respect to the Higher Education Sprout Project.